5 Essential Videos Every Nonprofit Needs

5 Essential Videos Every Nonprofit Needs

Follow the Yellow Brick Road – 5 Essential Videos Every Nonprofit Needs Embark on a journey down the yellow brick road of nonprofit storytelling with us. Just like the iconic characters from The Wizard of Oz, let’s explore the essential videos every nonprofit...
How to Use Video to Take Your Campaign to the Next Level

How to Use Video to Take Your Campaign to the Next Level

Prepping for the Great Community Give? Use Video to Take Your Campaign to the Next Level. As you start preparing for the Great Community Give, you might be considering using video in your campaign. Here at Appeal Production, we believe that video is one of the most...
Preparing to Speak on Camera

Preparing to Speak on Camera

Preparing to Be on Camera: Speaking on Camera Being in front of the camera can feel daunting, but don’t worry, we’re here to help you feel your best on filming day! Feeling comfortable and confident makes a world of difference in conducting a successful shoot. Here...