
Train with Video: The 5 C’s of A+ Employee Training

Train with Video: The 5 C’s of A+ Employee Training

How often do your employees get different directions from different people? One person tells them to do something one way, and another tells them something completely different. This is a time and resource waster…plus, it’s frustrating for everyone involved! We help teams avoid training miscommunications and keep morale high. How? By helping them establish solid training programs.

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Recruit with Video: The Appeal Recipe for Great Recruitment Marketing Videos

Recruit with Video: The Appeal Recipe for Great Recruitment Marketing Videos

Has The Great Resignation hit your business hard in the last few years? Are you struggling to fill open positions with quality candidates? We understand that recruitment is challenging in today’s labor market. There is an abundance of job openings. Employees can be picky about where they apply and which jobs they accept. However, it is possible to help your organization stand out amidst the job noise.

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Appeal Marketing Lab Series Part 4 – Marketing Tips for Business Owners: Sharing Your Message

Appeal Marketing Lab Series Part 4 – Marketing Tips for Business Owners: Sharing Your Message

Once you’ve identified your audience, aligned your story, and visualized your brand, deciding where to focus your marketing efforts can be overwhelming. We’ve worked with many business owners who are new to marketing or rethinking their marketing strategy, and we help them determine the best channels. Learn more and watch part 4 of our 4-part series on marketing your company.

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