Retain with Video
At some point in your life, you may have heard the phrase, “It’s not you. It’s me.” It’s a standard breakup line and something no one wants to hear! As employers, it’s certainly not something we want to hear from our employees who’ve decided to leave the organization.
The truth is, sometimes, it is you.
Today, employees have more control over where they work because there are fewer job seekers to compete with overall since:
- -> Baby boomers have retired
- -> The U.S. birth rate is on a 50-year decline
- -> In 2021, there were 53% more new business applications
So what can you do? We are here to help, so we are sharing our four C’s for employee retention.

When producing videos, we use these three words to help clients think about how they can create a culture that encourages employee retention. Employers can use the four C’s to work towards balanced, healthy employee relationships.
1. Communicate
This starts the moment you try to hire new employees. Communication is vital to learn your employees’ needs, goals, and expectations. Intentionality is important. While it can be challenging for larger companies to foster one-on-one conversations between leaders and employees, this communication culture can be established by leaders. Consequently, it filters through to the entire company.
2. Cultivate
A LinkedIn report found that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if the organization invested in helping them learn. Investing in your employees means they come to work for you because you’re the one who’s helping them get better, understand, and improve.
3. Celebrate
Sometimes, we forget to celebrate the little things because we’re busy. As employers, we should honor our team often and enthusiastically. Seemingly small accomplishments and personal milestones (like getting married or having a baby) are worth celebrating because they let people know you care about them.
4. Care
Be bold and let your employees know you genuinely care about them, their families, and their well-being. Find ways to show your team that you care for and even love them. Help them take the next step in their career through experience and training opportunities. They are likelier to stick around because you care about them and their future.
Want to dive deeper into this topic? Watch Andy’s Workshop on employee training!